If you love your work, it’s no longer “work”, right?…
“Here’s an Uncommon Way to Discover Your ‘Unique Genius’ - Combining What You Love with Real Satisfaction and Financial Independence”
Enjoy More…Make More…Get More Out of Life!
Dear Internet Friend,
A few months ago, my friend Tim Ferriss (Yep, the author of the “4-Hour Workweek”) introduced me to a guy named Aaron Ross. He thought we ‘shared some of the same DNA’.
And it certainly makes sense…
You might have seen my personal “Maverick Manifesto” of ‘make more, have more fun and give more back’. Aaron’s notion is combining enjoyment, meaning and making money.
As I got to know Aaron more and more – I realized he’s got a real unique take on the entire notion of creating “true” wealth beyond simply what’s in your bank account.
If this sounds intriguing to you (and it should) take a quick peek on what Aaron and I will discuss on this free webinar:
- How to make more money, more quickly, more easily through “Enjoyment” (The concept of “do what you enjoy” – or at least enjoy what you do – is simple enough … but it’s amazing how many people just don’t “get it” at the level Aaron does!)
- Why now is undeniably the BEST time to rethink your career plans. (Yes, even in a so-called “recession”.)
· I mentioned The 4-Hour Workweek earlier… PebbleStorm is a roadmap on how to get there! Best part… you don’t have to turn your life upside-down to achieve it. Part-time beginnings lead to full-time enjoyment, which leads to a lifetime of riches and fulfillment! PebbleStorm supports and encourages anyone in their creation of any dream business
· The truth about Passive Income… find out how Aaron used only 20 easy hours of prep to start a $2000 per month autopilot income stream… and only takes one hour a month to maintain it now!
· How letting go of just two negative emotions – impatience & guilt – lets you unleash extra energy for your business, and allows for more rapid recharging of your batteries when you need it!
- Discovering your ‘Unique Genius’ (Each of us has a particular talent that resonates within us … and with the world around us … and it can help bring the world of your dreams to you!)
- The importance of bringing fun into your work … how it helped create a billion-dollar company … and how you can benefit from the same strategy.
Plus, we’ll cover the ‘Five Steps of Aaron’s PebbleStorm’ concept (Reflect, Play, Attract, Package, and Receive … are the all-important keys to making money through Enjoyment!)
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About Aaron Ross
"I think you should have more fun with work, not just because it’ll make you more successful, but also just because you can! Often what gets in the way of people making real money is their obsession with making money. OK, here’s the bio…"
Aaron Ross is the founder of PebbleStorm/CEOFlow, which help people and companies make and grow money through enjoyment. He is also the cofounder of Nitro.la, a nonprofit with USC, UCLA and Caltech created to “get more companies funded in Greater Los Angeles”.
Before PebbleStorm, Aaron Ross was an EIR (Entrepreneur-in-Residence) at Alloy Ventures, a venture capital firm with over $1 billion under management. Before that, at salesforce.com he created a revolutionary Cold Calling 2.0 inside sales team that has sourced $100 million in recurring revenue. He also spent a year in the acquisitions and investments team of salesforce.com. Aaron was CEO of LeaseExchange (now eLease.com), an online equipment leasing marketplace. As an entrepreneur, he has been in Time, Businessweek and The Red Herring. Prior to LeaseExchange, Aaron worked at Pandesic, an Intel/SAP joint venture, did M&A at the investment bank Robertson Stephens, and graduated from Stanford University with a degree in Environmental Civil Engineering.
Aaron is also the cofounder of DataSalad (”Fresh B2B Marketing Data”), and on the advisory boards of Clickability, 4INFO, ConnectAndSell, MYNDNet, Personiva, AfterCollege, ExpertCEO and Flywheel Ventures. His B2B sales blog is www.BuildASalesMachine.com. He is an Ironman triathlete, graduate of the Boulder Outdoor Survival School and volunteer mentor at SCORE, “Counselors to America’s Small Business”.
"And yet I’m not ADD, hate multi-tasking (though I like having multiple projects), rarely feel busy or stressed, and I spent last December living in Buenos Aires. The secret? Living by PebbleStorm’s principles, which I’m now distilling to share with you all. Doing all this isn’t much fun alone…the more people who can make money through enjoyment, the better!"